The Miracle Wall in Inglewood is Proof that Jesus is Still Doing Miracles
Writer: Dr. Barbara Reynolds
The Miracle Wall in Inglewood is helping people from all faiths to celebrate the miracles of Jesus Christ. It is creating hope and excitement during this New Year. The Faces of Jesus, are a strong incredible reminder of the nearness of Jesus Christ. He is still working miracles in the lives of the brokenhearted, hungry, hopeless, and believers looking for a closer relationship with God. Thousands have witnessed the sacred images on the Miracle Wall in person or through social media and network broadcasts.
Dr. Jynona Norwood, inspiring preacher and devoted pastor of FAITH I AM, has served Inglewood and surrounding areas for half a century. Dr. Norwood’s obedience and faithfulness is a testament to her church being chosen for this once-in-a-lifetime experience. The Miracle Wall website has drawn people from all walks of life to FAITH I AM resulting in believers labeling it a sacred place where they feel the presence of God and people are reporting experiencing life-changing miracles that only Jesus Christ could provide.
Mr. J.J. Ware showed Pastor Norwood the miracle visions on the wall, however, she paid him no attention. Two years later Ms. Charlotte Browning came forward and showed her two faces of Jesus which had appeared on items in the sanctuary. Since then, scores of images of Biblical figures including the Blessed Virgin Mary and Jesus The Christ continue to supernaturally multiply on the walls, vents, and chairs of FAITH I AM.
To date, many individuals, including those who have achieved notoriety in Christian networks, entertainment, and the sports world have drawn near to The Miracle Wall. Dr. Barbara Reynolds, Dr. Ramon Sanchez, Dr. Prince Mario-Max Schaumburg, Dick Gregory, Dr. Albert Sampson, Ray Charles Jr., Rev. Robert Robinson, Della Robinson, Beverlee Dean, and Dignitaries are a few who have been impacted by God’s presence. Consider that Christ could have chosen to be incarnated within the palaces of Kings or wealthy elites of His day, he chose a teenage girl from Nazareth, a place where many have erroneously avowed that nothing good could come out of such a place, just like some have wrongly predicted that about Inglewood.
Those who want to experience the blessings of the Miracle Wall and its inspirational compelling hope are invited to witness the testimonials, attend virtual services this season and all year round on Facebook, Jynona Norwood page. You can visit her website for updated news on the Handwriting of God appearing in the 21st Century.
Mark 16:14
14 Later He appeared to the eleven as they sat at the table, and He rebuked their unbelief and hardness of heart because they did not believe those who had seen Him after He had risen.
This article is originally published on Christian Marketing Experts.