9 Signs You’re a Spiritual Person
These days people talk about being in tune with the universe or a higher power. They claim they are spiritual but are they? Does being spiritual mean being connected to spirits or someone who believes in God? For the purposes of this article, being spiritual is someone who believes in God, not the universe or a higher power. God is the creator of all things. Jesus is His son and died on the cross for our sins. The Holy Spirit is the guide for all things. Here are some ways you know you are spiritual, someone who believes in the Trinity.
1. No Fear
People who believe in God are willing to give everything over to Him. They understand that they are not in control. They don’t fear death because they know they are saved. Jesus gave up His life so we might have eternal life. Therefore, people without fear are those who are spiritual.
2. Not Blind
Spiritual people see things as they are without the rose-colored glasses. They are not bogged down by expectations, assumptions, hate, resentment, extreme desire, or attachment to things and people. Spiritual people realize that change is the only constant in life. They embrace change. Spiritual people also know that they are here for a short time, and nothing they have now is permanent.
3. No Gossip
When you believe in God, you don’t usually want to talk bad about people. You don’t want to gossip or spread rumors because all people are children of God. They understand that they don’t know why someone does something or their relationship with the Lord. Therefore, they let God handle problems and issues. They treat everyone the way they want to be treated. Spiritual people mind their own business and focus on their own path while accepting others as they are. They honor other people’s life experiences by not passing judgment on them or criticizing them. When spiritual people don’t have something positive to say about others, they simply don’t say anything.
4. Knowledge
Spiritual people are willing to learn about the right things. They want to gain wisdom on God’s message and words. However, having the right knowledge about the things that help you in your path to self-realization is the secret to being a person of value and enhancing your spirituality. Spiritual people read the Bible and books about the Bible. They also study experts and theologians. They want to learn everything they can about God.
5. Kindness
Spiritual people are loving and kind. They want to serve others and help wherever possible. Spiritual people treat strangers with kindness and compassion, they love their neighbors. They are helpful when asked.
6. Soulful
People who know their soul is eternal and will live after death are spiritual. They believe that they have a soul. When you understand that the soul is eternal and physical death is a transition, you achieve a clear understanding of the purpose of human existence as higher consciousness.
7. Listening
Meditation, being quiet, and being open are all forms of listening to God’s word. He presents Himself to people in different ways. Some hear His words through other people or the Bible. Some hear Him in dreams, some hear Him during a meditative state. Regardless of the method, the people who take time to listen to God are spiritual.
8. Purpose
You are not existing but living for a reason. Spiritual people believe their life has purpose and meaning. They are working for God or serving Him in their daily tasks. They volunteer as part of their purpose in life and know what their life purpose is or they are in the process of understanding it. Spiritual people are living their purpose because they trust in who they are and what they want in this life path. Spiritual people are typically living a life of service to others and manifesting their life purpose in that way.
9. Healthy
Spiritual people understand that their body is a temple. They don’t get tattoos, eat healthy foods, and listen to doctors and keep their minds healthy. Spiritual people understand this concept and take care of their health: what they eat, what they drink, what they put in their bodies. They exercise not to look good according to today’s societal standards of physical beauty, but to be strong and pure.